
Opening the app

Apple warns of apps from unregistered developers as shown below. You can just click open using the right button of the mouse. This app does not collect any personal information. You can check our privacy policy regarding users' personal information here.

See more in detail about Apple's security policy:

Allow FullCovered to access music players

Fullcovered requires access to the music player to get information about the track from and control the music player. To allow this app to access the music player, you can click OK to the popup window when you launch this app for the first time. You can also set this in the system preferences (System Preferences / Security & Privacy / Privacy / Automation).




track information

  • Loved and rating: shows different items depending on the music player. Apple Music shows both loved and rating with read/write (Apple Music streaming service only supports loved feature). Spotify shows read-only rating(popularity) only. Hermes shows loved only, with read/write attributes.


  • Artwork position: the position of the artwork on screen. "L/R Toggle" means that the artwork position changes at every new track.

  • Get artwork from a third-party database if available: get artwork from a third-party DB when playing Apple Music streaming. This app tries to find the best match by using the track's name, artist or album name. The artwork may not be found or mismatch.

  • Toggle multiple artworks: In the local library of Apple Music or iTunes, a track can have more than one artwork. If this field is checked, FullCovered shows the artworks in turn at every time interval set by "Toggle interval (sec)".


video player

  • Show artwork and video title: The album artwork and video title are displayed at the bottom of the window for a few seconds when the video starts.

  • Autoplay video of your next track: The videos corresponding to your music list are played continuously. The video is the first video from YouTube search for your music.

  • Back to the video list after playing video: If not checked, YouTube videos related to the video just played will be played continuously.


  • Search YouTube by: This is a search parameter provided by YouTube.

  • Sort by priority: Show your preferred video at the top by sorting the videos of YouTube search results again.

  • Exclude lyrics video: Try to exclude lyrics videos from YouTube search results.

  • Exclude cover video: Try to exclude cover videos from YouTube search results.

  • Exclude restricted content: This is a search parameter provided by YouTube.


  • Alternative play: check this button to play videos in countries where YouTube Music doesn't support.

  • Max waiting time to video start: Increase this time if "Back to the video list after playing video" is checked and this app returns to your video list directly after playing an ad.


system settings

  • Start a music player with FullCovered: FullCovered invokes the selected music player when launching. If the selected music player is "Auto selection", this app doesn't invoke any player.

  • Prevent display and computer sleeping while playing: If this setting is on, FullCovered prevents the system from sleeping while a track is playing. If this setting is off, or a player's state is paused, stopped or etc., it follows the system settings of macOS.


[Known issues]

  • In Apple Music streaming: When adding a track by "Play Next" or "Play Later", Apple Music or iTunes doesn't support information of the track.

  • In Apple Music streaming: Sometimes, it fails to get artwork from the third-party DB when opening this app. It could happen due to a slow network or slow response from the DB server.

[YouTube Music and YouTube]

  • When playing a video: If you encounter a message like on the left, check "Alternative play" in the preferences. By checking this option, you can play a video in regions where YouTube Music doesn't support. Some features for YouTube in the preferences may not work properly with this option.

Release Notes

  • v2.2.3
    Improvements & Updates
    - add shuffle button for Music and Spotify
    - enhancement of user interface for play control button
    - popup alert for volume change by shortcut
    - ambient background become softer and has clear text color depending on background brightness
    - enhancement in navigating YouTube video list
    - fixed an issue where play control button became hidden even though mouse was on the the button
  • v2.0.0
    Improvements & Updates
    - tested on macOS 12.1 Monterey
    - showing multiple artworks is back
    - enhanced user interface of youtube list view
    - added ambient background
    - more bug fixes and stability improvement
    - fixed an issue where the keyboard shortcut for volume up, volume down doesn't work while youtube is playing

  • v1.5.4
    Improvements & Updates
    - universal app (support Apple Silicon and Intel)
    - improvement of getting an artwork when using Apple Music Streaming
    - fixed an issue where app crashes at launch in macOS 11.3.1
  • v1.5.3
    - fixed an issue where the app crashes in getting a track duration
    - fixed an issue where "Back to the video list after playing video" doesn't work since next playing scheme of Youtube has been renewed
  • v1.5.2
    Improvements & Updates
    - Supports Big Sur
    - Show play control buttons when using a hotkey
    - This version is only for Big Sur and Catalina, not for Mojave
  • v1.4.0
    Improvements & Updates
    - Play videos in areas where YouTube Music doesn't support
    . should check "Alternative play" in the Preferences
    - Skip-Ads when playing a video with a keyboard shortcut
  • v1.3.3
    Improvements & Updates
    - add an option to change the display order of track information
    . change the font size of the title and artist relatively
    - performance enhancement
    - fixed a crash when using ”Create Station" in Music
    - fixed an issue where a video is still playing after it got back to the video list page
  • v1.3.0
    Improvements & Updates
    - YouTube embedded !!
    . find a video of your favorite music and play it
    . start a video in fullscreen automatically
    . search and sort videos according to your preference
    . support keyboard shortcuts to search and play video
    - improve user interface
    . player control buttons, preferences icons, etc.
    - potential error in reading and saving user preference values
    - artwork ratio when playing Spotify and Hermes

  • v1.1.0
    improves the shortcut input method more intuitively in the Preferences (Re-registration required)
    disables a pop-up alert window when players are not activated after boot
    shows release notes in 'Check for Updates' window and, changes UI of Download window
    fixes mouse didn't disappear when the app became a key window
    fixes reset action in the Preferences, which didn't reset recently added buttons: reset is applied to each preference tab separately
  • v1.0.5
    adds control buttons for player
    previous, play/pause, next, fast forward, rewind
    FF and RW work only with Apple Music
    automatically shows and hides by mouse movement
    fixes the app stuck when Music is in sleep mode: this occurred only after system boot
  • v1.0.4
    enhance artwork match for Apple Music streaming
    for Catalina, displaying multiple artworks was disabled temporarily
    fix : changing hotkey doesn't work on first try
    many feature enhancements and bug fixes.
  • v1.0.0
    finally, support artwork for Apple Music streaming
    enhance stability in changing artwork image, etc.

  • Version 0.9.1
    support macOS 10.15, Catalina
    fix : some fonts are not displayed
  • Version 0.8.7
    fix : renewal of code signing certificate of Apple
  • Version 0.8.6
    fix : codec information doesn't show properly after track changes
    fix : application has been blocked for a few minutes when Spotify is automatically launched at boot time
    stability improvement
  • Version 0.8.4
    Support Spotify and Hermes(Pandora client) as well as iTunes
    Select a music player manually or automatically
    Show/hide the current music player's icon
    Support custom hotkeys
    Added a volume control bar
    Improved stability and performance
    Suppress beep sound when a hot-key hits
  • Version 0.5.3
    Add track info.: loved and rating of the track
    Add option: show/hide each information of the track
    Add option: start iTunes with FullCovered
    Add function for check for update
    Add hot keys: hit 'h' for the hotkeys' list
    Adjust spaces between the track information
    Improve many things... & bug fix
  • Version 0.3.4
    font size changes automatically depending on size of the window.
    fit artwork to it's full size on screen even if it is not a square.
    bug fix: elapsed progress time is truncated.
  • Version 0.3.2
    hide window frame
    bug fix: preference setting by reset, close and apply
  • Version 0.3.1
    hotkey: 'n' for forced change to the next artwork
    bug fix: artwork and vinyl position
  • Version 0.2.1
    reset preferences to defaults
    version 0.2.0
    auto resizing artwork and vinyl image
  • Version 0.1.3
    show current progress time
  • Version 0.1.2
    prevent computer sleep
    version 0.1.1
    add artwork position: left, right, toggle
    hotkeys: 'v' for the vinyl view, 'm' for multiple artworks
  • Version 0.1.0
    first version