

Album Cover

Display album artwork for the song you are listening to. This shows the album cover in full size with no margins or frames.

Multiple Artworks

If there are multiple artworks on a track, This will display them in turn. You can add more than one artwork image to a track in the Music app.


You can watch the music video of the song you are listening to now with just one click. Click the YouTube button on the app to display a list of videos related to the song.

Background Modes

A vinyl record can be displayed on the side of the album cover. You can also display beautiful ambient background.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Most of the functions for music control are provided as keyboard shortcuts. You can also customize all the shortcuts to any keys you want. Highly recommend using a remote controller for more convenient use.

* You may need a tool such as BetterTouchTool or Remote Buddy for key mapping between your keyboard shortcuts and remote controller. (Both of the above are paid software)


Change the font and its size to your preferred style. You can apply different fonts to track title, artist, and album name separately. And the font size is automatically changed according to the size of the window.


Click loved on your favorite songs directly on the app. And rate the song with the stars.


Customize the appearance, YouTube, keyboard shortcuts, and system-related features to your liking. See the manual for details.

* Some features are not supported in this download version.


Team Member

Fonts change

Team Member

Multiple artworks

Team Member

Ambient background

Team Member

Wide artwork

Team Member

YouTube shortcut

Team Member

Music videos



FullCovered is a macOS application for Apple's Music, Spotify, and Pandora visualizer.

This project was started for personal use. Because I couldn't find any visualizer that shows album artwork in full screen. Using this app makes me feel like looking at an LP album cover while listening to music.

"Play, sit back and enjoy your music"

System requirements

  • Apple's Music app for macOS is required for Music
  • Spotify application for macOS is required for Spotify
  • Hermes player is required for Pandora
  • Universal app. Support Apple silicon and Intel
  • Best optimized for Full HD (1920x1080, 16:9) or higher
  • Built and tested on macOS 12.x, Monterey
  • Built and tested on macOS 10.14, Mojave
  • Mojave and below, macOS with iTunes : Download

Music services



Feel free to contact if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments.


SMK. Developer